Sea Moss Gummies: A Dietitian Review

Claiming an array of health benefits, online influencers are posting videos eating whole sea moss or grimacing through sea moss gel by the spoonful while others are reaching for the easier form to swallow- sea moss gummies. Today we will review sea moss gummies, what they are, and whether or not there is enough research there to actually chew on.

If you spend any amount of time on TikTok, you have probably seen influencers touting the benefits of sea moss for their weight and overall energy levels. While some influencers grimace as they scoop sea moss gel onto a spoon, others are opting for the easier to swallow sea moss gummies instead.

Their videos are so convincing, it might even make you want to purchase these sea moss gummies for yourself! Before we buy, let’s take a closer look at the product.

Hey, I’m Lauren! I’m a registered dietitian and I’m here to help you pick through fact vs fiction so that you can buy the best foods, supplements, and products for you. 

Sea moss gummies seem to be all the rage, but are they all their cracked up to be? Today I will review sea moss gummies, discuss the potential benefits and risks, and help you determine if you want to start supplementing with sea moss too!

What are sea moss gummies?

Sea moss, also known as Irish moss or red seaweed, is an ocean dwelling edible vegetable that generally grows in tidepools. Originally, sea moss was harvested for the natural carageenan content which is used as a thickener in various products on the shelves.

Sea moss has long been consumed in many cultures across the world, but it has recently started to trend online as the new “superfood” to include in your diet. 

Sea moss can be consumed in a variety of ways and is most commonly consumed as a food or drink, gel, or supplement. In fact, you can find many Tik Tok influencers suffering through daily spoonfuls of sea moss gel for the purported health benefits they are hoping to receive. 

I will do a deep-dive review of Sea moss gel as well, but today we are focusing on sea moss gummies, or the powdered/supplemental form of sea moss. These are exactly what they sound to be, sea moss that has been processed with other ingredients into a gummy form.


This is a difficult section to condense because it truly depends on which brand you buy. Some brands have as little as 3 ingredients while other brands pair the sea moss with other active ingredients like vitamins, minerals, or other plant components such as aloe vera.

Most ingredients include varying amounts of Irish sea moss, a flavor, and the gelling component that give sea moss gummies their squishy texture. Beyond that, sea moss gummies can include other “superfoods,” herbs, and other ingredients to boost the health claims.

While ingredients vary, one important thing to pay attention to is the difference in actual sea moss content. Most sea moss gummy and supplement brands contain varying amounts of sea moss, with some having 600mg per serving while others contain thousands of milligrams per serving.

Sea moss gummy benefits: their claims and the research

Here are some of the health claims (and there are many) that are made regarding sea moss and a look at the research that exists to support them… because there isn’t a lot:

  1. Sea moss may benefit skin health: Some studies suggest that sea moss could stimulate collagen production. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of sea moss can reduce inflammation related conditions like eczema, and the high sulfur content can reduce acne symptoms in some.

    I spent quite a bit of time looking into this claim and here is the biggest limitation- these findings were observed when sea moss was applied topically, not taken orally as a gummy. This matters because you are not guaranteed the same skin results with a dietary supplement.

  2. Provides minerals: Research does show that sea moss is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.. and most sea moss gummy brands lean into this fact touting over 90 minerals per gummy. This is true, but again, doses may vary depending on the amount of sea moss contained. 

    Minerals are inorganic substances that are used to support a variety of processes and systems in the diet. Sea moss is a source of minerals, but you can also get many of these minerals by eating a varied diet or taking supplements that are clinically designed to contain specific mineral amounts.

  3. May support thyroid health: This is one of the more popular reasons that people eat sea moss and it’s related to the high iodine content found in sea moss. Iodine is a nutrient that is essential for thyroid health and function.

    While the natural iodine content of sea moss can support thyroid health, there are also a few risks to consider when adding a concentrated source of iodine to the diet which we will discuss in the risks vs benefits section of this blog.

  4. Sea moss and brain health or focus: There are a few studies done in mice who were treated with sea weed extracts that showed improved memory and cognition, but these findings are currently not replicated in human studies and were not done on the gummy form of sea moss.

  5. Sea moss and inflammation: Sea moss is rich in polyphenols which can lower inflammation in the body, so I would say that this claim is substantiated. One thing to note though is that sea moss is high in carrageenan, which some people feel very sensitive to and could develop inflammation.

    With a high level of interest in inflammation, I do think it’s important to know that inflammation is impacted by more than just one supplement. Your overall diet, stress levels, sleep quality, activity, body weight, and other factors all can an impact on inflammatory markers!

  6. Sea moss and immunity: As mentioned, sea moss does contain immune supporting nutrients like anti-inflammatory polyphenols, a variety of vitamins and minerals, as well as gut health supporting prebiotic fiber.

  7. Sea moss gummies, diabetes, and cholesterol: A recent meta-analysis, one of few on this particular topics and humans, assessed the impact that marine algae polyphenols had on blood sugar management and cholesterol.

    While their findings did suggest a small to medium positive impact on blood glucose control, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol, the lack of human studies on this topic led to the conclusion that there is not enough evidence to make a conclusion.

  8. Sea moss for gut health and digestion support: Sea moss is a source of prebiotic fiber and some small studies done on rats show that a diet supplemented with a specific type of red seaweed supported the gut microbiota and even helped immunity. More human studies are needed.

    Other sources of prebiotic fiber include garlic, onions, and bananas which are much more affordable options than sea moss gummies.

Sea moss gummy brands also throw on broad claims that sea moss will support fertility and increase overall energy levels, but there is really no research to support these claims.

The most important thing to note about sea moss is that most research on it is very limited, and the studies that do exist are not done on the gummy form of sea moss. This could make a difference as most supplements are proprietary blends with varying amounts of sea moss in them.

The other limitation with the research is that most of the studies that currently exist are done on animals. While animal research is helpful and certainly has its place, they do not guarantee that humans will respond the same way and this clearly is an area of research that needs more development.

Benefits vs risks of sea moss gummies:

Now that we have taken a look at the research, or lack there of, let’s take a look at some of the known sea moss benefits as well as a few risks that can come with taking sea moss gummies:

Benefits or Pro’s:

  • Vegan and gluten free: Sea moss is vegan friendly and gluten free, making it an option for many people.

  • Nutrient rich: As mentioned, sea moss is rich in health promoting nutrients including fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein, and various bioactive compounds like sterols and polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory properties. Sea moss could be a good source of nutrition in the diet.

    While there are always options for clinically designed supplements or even tailored mineral suppleants, sea moss could help close nutrient gaps that some people may have… but read the risks for the caveat to this. 

  • Easier to take than sea moss gel: People who suffer through sea moss gel may have an easier time taking sea moss gummies.

    If you are really set on including sea moss in your diet but struggle with the gel, the gummies may be a better fit because of their smaller size, shelf stability, and flavor options that are available.

  • Research is emerging: I have this as a pro because, while I do not think that the research is there to back many of these companies health claims (especially in the gummy form), that does not mean that it can’t change in the future.

Risks to consider:

While seaweeds are considered safe to consume, here are a few risks to think about:

  • We simply don’t know: we do not have enough information on sea moss and human health regarding a safe dose and toxicity, which is one thing to consider when adding something new to your supplement routine.

  • Lack of supplement regulations: Supplements, including sea moss gummies, are not well regulated which is always a risk. If you choose to buy sea moss gummies, I would definitely look for a brand that has been third party tested to guarantee safety and check for heavy metals.

  • Very high in iodine: Most sea moss gummy companies claim this as an important benefit from taking their gummies because iodine is essential for thyroid health. While this is true, too much iodine can also be detrimental and harmful to your thyroid and overall health.

    If you are someone who has experience goiter or struggle with thyroid issues, I highly recommend you talk with your doctor before adding any form of sea moss to your diet. There are some small cases of people experiencing poor health outcomes from a sea moss supplement.

    The risk here is that you are supplementing your diet with a high iodine item. If you already consume a high iodine diet, this could put you at risk for toxicity. If you are very low in iodine consumption or need more in your diet, then sea moss gummies could be a good option.

  • Could trigger an allergic reaction: Individuals with shellfish allergies or carrageenan sensitivities should be wary of sea moss gummies as these can trigger allergic responses.

  • Could contain high levels of heavy metals: One of the biggest risk factors to consider with sea moss is that it could contain high levels of heavy metals because sea moss absorbs metals like arsenic, mercury, and lead from the water it resides in.

    There are some brands that you can try that have been independently tested for heavy metals to ensure there are no dangerous levels.

  • Could lead to GI upset: With the few human studies that we do have, some individuals reported GI upset (either constipation, bloating, or diarrhea) when consuming sea moss.

    This could be related to really two main things: the fiber content of sea moss OR the naturally high carageenan content. Fiber intake can lead to some GI upset and should be introduced to the diet slowly. Additionally, some people have a sensitivity to carageenan and experience less than desirable symptoms.

  • Toxicity risk: sea moss is rich in minerals but this could actually lead to mineral toxicity. Foods naturally contain minerals, foods can be fortified with vitamins and minerals, and you can also get minerals from other places (like cooking in a cast iron skillet will add some iron).

    If you are eating a varied diet, you’re probably pretty set on minerals. While minerals are essential for health, too many of them can lead to health complications.

    This is generally avoided when you get most of your minerals through the diet, but if you start adding really concentrated sources of minerals (like sea moss) on top of a mineral rich diet or other vitamin and mineral supplements, you could be risking toxicity.

Those are just a few things to consider before you start taking sea moss gummies. I always recommend clearing it with a health care provider before beginning a supplement, especially one that is so high in iodine.

The takeaway:

So, does the research show that sea moss gummies are all they're cracked up to be? In this dietitians opinion, no and there is not enough research to set this $30-$100 supplement apart from food itself. Can that change in the future? Yes, I won’t close the door completely on it.

Sea moss has been consumed in other parts of the world long before it started trending on social media. While sea moss is very nutrient dense, there is not enough evidence to show that sea moss gummies will provide the same nutrition and offer the health benefit that these companies claim.

That said, sea moss gummies are likely the easiest form of sea moss to include in your diet because they are shelf stable, come in a variety of flavors, and easier to take.

If you do choose to include sea moss gummies in your diet, be sure to consult a doctor and consider some of the risks that I have covered in this blog. However at this moment, I think you are better off varying up your diet for nutrition and using a specifically tailored multivitamin to fill any gaps if needed.

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Hey! I’m Lauren

I’m a Registered Dietitian and busy toddler mom committed to bringing you delicious, nutritious, and easy-to-make recipes!


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