Top 10 Fridge Stockers

Tips for Stocking Your Fridge

Rounding out the topic of “preparing for when you are unprepared,” we’re finally ending the series with my top 10 fridge stockers!

We have stocked your pantry. We have stocked your freezer, now we need to get your refrigerator stocked with all the healthy items you will need to reach your goals and nourish your body well! I love to have go to healthy options in each area of my house because really, each items serves a different purpose and does better in different dishes. Freezer and pantry stocker options, for example, are fantastic for smoothies, tossing into soups, and throwing together a balanced meal when all of your fresh ingredients are gone for the week! Fresh options are fantastic for on the go snacks, quick meals, and building up balanced side dishes with some fresh, crunchy vegetables or fruits! Here are my top 10 recommendations for fridge stockers and the food items you will absolutely always find in this dietitians refrigerator!


Eggs have long been considered a gold standard of protein and for good reason! With each egg containing roughly 80 calories, 7 grams of high quality, and vitamins and minerals like Choline, eggs are a perfect way to power up any meal with protein and nutrition.

Plain Greek Yogurt

High in protein and calcium but low in calorie, greek yogurt is an easy way to add protein to meals or have as an on the go snack. Top it up with some fresh fruit and a handful of nuts to have a balanced snack that featuring carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Always opt for unflavored greek yogurt or compare the food label to be sure that you keep the added sugar content low.

Fresh Fuirt

Only 1 in 10 Americans meets the recommendation for fruits and vegetable intake and an easy way to overcome this is to keep some color on hand! If you struggle to eat fresh fruit before it goes bad, opt for fruits that have a long shelf life such as apples, pears, and oranges and store them in the refrigerator because it can slow the ripening process and give you more time to eat it! 


Kefir features live and active cultures and is an easy way to include probiotics into your daily routine. Drink it as it is, mix it in your oatmeal, or blend it up into a smoothie for a tangy and healthy addition!

Low Calorie Condiments

Boring meal prep is a thing of the past when you have tasty condiments on hand! Prep a plain protein like shredded chicken, lean ground beef, or crispy tofu and switch up your condiments to keep your meals interesting throughout the week. Condiments can be a sneaky source of calories so be sure to choose low calorie condiments like salsa, sriracha, mustard, tapatio, low sodium soy sauce, and fresh pico de gallo to bump up the flavor but keep the calories low!

Fresh Vegetables

Fresh vegetables are always great to keep on hand to get some color on your plate or add a vegetable to your snack! Vegetables are not only high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals but can also be high in water content which will help keep you hydrated in the warm summer months.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is definitely an underappreciated protein source and one that is making its comeback! This dairy product is high in product is high in protein, calcium, and other nutrients and under 200 calories for a half cup serving. Add it to a white cheddar rice cake and sprinkle it with paprika for a tasty snack or mix it into your dinner lasagna for an easy boost in protein content. 

Bagged Salad

Bagged salads are a perfect way to build up a balanced meal when you are in a pinch. To bump up the nutrition, mix in your own fresh vegetables, top it up with a protein like salmon or hardboiled eggs and serve it with a healthy carb on the side like roasted sweet potatoes!

Sliced Cheese or Cheese Sticks

These are one of my most recommended on the go protein sources. Easy to pair with an apple for snack or include on a lunch charceuterie board for one! 

Deli Meat

Though its long gotten a bad reputation, some deli meat is perfectly safe to include in your diet when consumed in moderation! It’s an easy way to add protein to your breakfast or make the most of a sandwich for your kids for lunch at school.

*This post contains affiliate links which means I earn a small commission if you purchase through any of the links provided. Don’t worry, I only recommend products that I absolutely love and use myself! Thank you for supporting me and making Lauren Twigge Nutrition possible!


Hey! I’m Lauren

I’m a registered dietitian and my goal is to give you tips and tricks to make healthy eating fun, easy, and even delicious!


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