Use Soy Foods To Reach Your Protein Goal

Got a protein goal? Soy foods can help! While many people reach for supplements or steaks in the name of protein, soy foods are versatile ingredients that can add plant-based and complete protein to various recipes like this soy delicious smoothie!

soy green smoothie

This post was a paid collaboration with U.S. Soy for Soy Foods Month.

Protein continues to have its “it girl” moment, especially in the online space, with content creators brewing protein coffee, flipping protein pancakes, and ending the day with a protein-packed cookie.

Alongside the push for protein, interest in plant-based diets continues to grow, showing that many people are reaching past the supplements or meaty meal prep and relying on plant proteins to help them achieve their protein goals instead.1

While many plant-based foods have incomplete proteins, a few plants - like soy- feature a high-quality, complete protein, making them an excellent protein source to add to your plate.2

edamame in smoothie

Soy: A Complete Plant-Based Protein

Soy foods like edamame, tofu, and soy milk naturally contain plant-based, complete protein. While it’s essential to focus on total grams of protein, choosing high-quality proteins ensures that your body can best utilize that protein to meet its needs.

One serving of soy foods gives your body the nine essential amino acids needed to build muscle, support immunity, promote healing, enhance satiety, and more!2 There are many different soy foods that you can choose from to add plant protein to your meals or snacks, including:

  • Edamame: 2/3 cup of frozen, prepared edamame has roughly 5 grams of fiber and 12 grams of protein. Edamame pods can be eaten as a protein-rich snack, and shelled edamame is a seamless addition to bowls or salads.3

  • Soy milk: 1 cup of soy milk boasts 7 grams of protein in an 8-ounce glass, significantly higher than many other alternatives. As a fantastic alternative for those with a dairy allergy, soy milk can help boost the protein content of smoothies, cereals, and oatmeal.4

  • ·Tofu: If you are looking for a meat substitute, tofu is an excellent alternative to reach for. Add tofu to sandwiches, wraps, or bowls to add 10 grams of protein in a ½ cup serving of tofu.5

And many more!

healthy green smoothie

Soy Nutrition:

Beyond packing a protein punch, soy foods help consumers get more plants on their plates, an uphill battle with research showing that only 1 in 10 Americans is currently eating enough fruits and vegetables.6

Further, soy is a sustainable and affordable ingredient that is low in saturated fat and rich in other health-promoting nutrients like:

  • Fiber: Fiber content varies by product, but whole soy foods can be a good source of fiber, which may enhance satiety, promote heart health, and support healthy digestion.5

  • Vitamins and minerals: Soy foods contain nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc, folate, B vitamins, and more that can support your health!5

  • Isoflavones: Disease-fighting compounds found in soy foods that may lower the risk for heart disease and certain cancers and even improve memory!2

Including soy foods in your diet is an easy, nutritious, and delicious way to use plants to help you meet your protein goals. Need some recipe inspiration? Try out this delicious soy green smoothie!

Yield: 1 smoothie
Author: Lauren Twigge
Soy Delicious Green Smoothie

Soy Delicious Green Smoothie

Got a protein goal? Soy foods can help! While many people reach for supplements or steaks in the name of protein, soy foods are a versatile ingredient that can be added to a variety of recipes as a source of plant-based and complete protein.
Prep time: 2 MinTotal time: 2 Min



  1. Add all of your ingredients to a blender or blender cup and blend until smooth. *Pro-tip: if your smoothie looks grainy, keep blending. It will smooth out!
  2. Add your green smoothie to a cup and garnish with fresh pineapple slices. Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts




4 g

Sat. Fat

1 g


38 g


10 g

Net carbs

28 g


22 g


12 g


311 mg


0 mg

Nutrition information has been approximated.

*These blogs may contain affiliate links. Any purchase made through my links gives me a small commission and supports Lauren Twigge Nutrition

Hey! I’m Lauren

I’m a Registered Dietitian and busy toddler mom committed to bringing you delicious, nutritious, and easy-to-make recipes!


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